What is africa new life ministries?

Africa New Life exists to transform lives and communities through preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and acts of compassion.

This ministry will help all peoples to know about the relationship with God available to them through belief in Jesus as Savior. This will be accomplished by providing access to education, leadership training, and healthcare; through church planting and Christian discipleship; and through holistic care for vulnerable children, and women and men in need.

Since 2001, Africa New Life has shared the gospel using two hands: the hand of compassion and the hand of evangelism. Our goal is to see lives transformed through meeting basic needs, to give hope for the future for those living in poverty in Rwanda, and to share the freedom and hope found in Christ. At the heart of our model for breaking cycles of poverty is educational sponsorship. With a high school education, or a vocational equivalent, children in Rwanda have hope for the future.

At Africa New Life, we believe that education is the key to helping children escape the cycle of poverty. But while educational sponsorship is central to our ministry, we recognize that children also need other key factors to succeed: a growing faith, a developing community, and a healthy body. The video below demonstrates how we have seen our model play out in the lives we touch every day.


About the food program